Robert Johnson's: Saggar Firing Technique

Join Robert for a workshop on his Saggar firing techniques. A process for creating one of a kind low fire finishes that are burned into the ceramic surface. The workshop will involve a brief lecture on materials, types of Saggars, safety and experimentation. Then move to treating the surface of your pieces. Then we will fire the pieces in multiple firings; and learn how to protect the surface with different materials to achieve the final look.
Materials needed for participation in the workshop.
Materials needed for participation in the workshop.
- 1 or 2 bisque pots 10" or less in all dimensions
- The bisque ware can either be burnished or unburnished. With or without Terra Sigillata.
- A notebook to record the materials used and results.
- If you have cloths that can be soiled please wear them
- If you have your own respirator please bring it. (I will have one or two that can be shared)
The workshop will be April 26th at Salisbury University starting at 10am.
We will meet in the Raku area beside the Tennis Courts. This area is outside so please dress appropriately.
We will meet in the Raku area beside the Tennis Courts. This area is outside so please dress appropriately.
You can see more examples of Robert's Saggar work here.