April 13, 2019
The Clay Guild Minutes
Date: 4-13-2019
In Attendance: Rob, Bob, Dott, Imma, Sarah, Marie, Flo, Ernie, Ed, Susie
Location: Amused Studios
Clay Guild of Eastern Shore, PO Box 4425, 21803
On Going Business
- Donation Table - for clay a palooza - Donate old pottery tools and magazines / books / not chemicals.- Things will be taken back by donator of not claimed.
Marie Wheel - teaching Both Days, no table, 3 pieces meh long exhibition
Sarah -
*confirming - June 1st should be the set up for month long exhibition,
Date: 4-13-2019
In Attendance: Rob, Bob, Dott, Imma, Sarah, Marie, Flo, Ernie, Ed, Susie
Location: Amused Studios
- Call to Order 11:10
- Treasurers Report: 1586.63 -
- recent purchase US Post office 53.00
- clay for clay a palooza and totem workshop will be paid for soon from fund
- Membership:
Clay Guild of Eastern Shore, PO Box 4425, 21803
On Going Business
- Donation Table - for clay a palooza - Donate old pottery tools and magazines / books / not chemicals.- Things will be taken back by donator of not claimed.
- Pottery Tool Exchange - End of summer - have a list that we share with members ahead of time October List Prepared by September to share with mailing list
- Naked Raku Burnishing - April 27th, Glazing- May 4th & Firing - 5th can also fire horsehair/feather -
- You are welcome to only come to the firing if that’s all you needed
- Guild Totem May 5th
- Group Exhibitions
- Clay-a-palooza-
- Florence - both days 11 am - Pumpkins,
- Pinch Pot Sea creatures - Joy, Saturday , will have stuff upstairs,
- Dott and Bob Fish - noon, both days, table downstairs and month long in gallery
- Need volunteer for rings - Dott and Bob are donating
Marie Wheel - teaching Both Days, no table, 3 pieces meh long exhibition
Sarah -
- Ask Katie if there is a % taken from artists for day of sales event
- Confirmed participants for demos / workshops: Flo, Ernie, Dot, Rob, Sarah, Thomas, Ashley
- Who will be showing in the Month long show?
- Who will be vending?
- Suggestions & Ideas
- prices for thrown pieces- Rob and Ernie will make price list for wet sold work
*confirming - June 1st should be the set up for month long exhibition,
- opening exhibition 1st Friday, June 7th
- Salisbury Art Space has had a change of leadership and would like to schedule a meeting
- will check on Wednesday April 24th at 1 pm
- each person who would like to come to the meeting should write up what we would like to talk about and we will coordinate over email before meeting.
- Next Meeting: May 25th, 2019
- Adjournment 12;30