The Clay Guild of the Eastern Shore Meeting Minutes From July 2015.
Members in attendance:Robbie Johnson, Sarah Halcott, Vicki Noonan, Mary Back, Ed and Cheryl de Luca, Karen Bearman, Marie Cavallero,
Board Minutes
Wednesday July 15th 2015 AI&G 11am
Motion - To have President Robert Johnson meet withTreasurer Ernie Satchel to be added to the guild's bank account to be a signor at Hebron saving bank in Fruitland.
All in favor, motion approved.
Action- Rob will meet Ernie Wednesday July 15th 1pm.
Board Minutes
Wednesday July 15th 2015 AI&G 11am
- meeting Called to Order 11:11 am
- Minutes approved
- Treasurers Report
- 23 paid members balance of $2425.83
- Old Business
- Open Studio AI&G
- Interest in Open Studio time
- Ali Grice is working on a grant to improve the studio with ventilation and a slab roller
- Sub committee for open studio at AIG meeting set for August 19th at 11 am at AIG
- How appropriate workshops and lectures will be handled
- If we hold lectures and workshops here AIG will split cost, CG members can attend free, non-members will pay to AIG.
- "AI&G, Clay Guild Home" The clay guild would like to partner with the AI&G and create an open studio as well as have a place to hold meetings and workshops.
- Clay-a-Palooza,
- Volunteers 3rd Friday July 17th, 5-8pm (set up at 3)
- Throwing, hand building demos, pottery pong and donations for silent auction Bring to us
- Clay Guild Show drop off Monday and Tuesday, August 10 and 11, 11am-3pm. Reception August 21st. Pick up dates Aug 30 11-3pm, ( may be extended). Everyone should bring refreshments to the opening.
- Sponsorship, discuss sponsoring AIG show.
- Dates Seaford show, Gallery 107, Reception Oct 2 , Runs October 2 - 17, intake sept 19th - sept 26 pick up oct 19- 25, we will send out the applications for the show shortly.
- Details on Tom Wright Workshop August 8th
- Slip casting, starting at 11 am till it ends. Sarah will video tape. The day will include: Powerpoint lecture, How to make casting slip, mold making process, how to break up simple, advanced, complex, and natural forms. Demonstration of casting and finishing. Bring your own lunch.
- New Business
Motion - To have President Robert Johnson meet withTreasurer Ernie Satchel to be added to the guild's bank account to be a signor at Hebron saving bank in Fruitland.
All in favor, motion approved.
Action- Rob will meet Ernie Wednesday July 15th 1pm.
- Pick dates for future meetings and workshops
- What we would like to see.
- Large Platter, Lectures on glazes, kilns, Artists ect…
- Mccurdy, Van Guilder?
- Motion to have Vicki Noonan to be the Vice President, motion approved
- Motion to send Rob to Conference in Virginia, Motion Approved.
- Motion to Sponsor the Clay Guild Show with the Art Institute at the $500 level. - Motion approved
- Peacock room- (Thursday is a good day to visit) open until January 2 2017. Marie will look in to a van trip with Pricilla.
- Next Meeting: September 19th, 11 am at At Art Institute and Gallery. Drop off for Gallery 107, and Platter demonstration by Rob Johnson.
- New Workshop - October 10th, 11 am, Head Sculpture workshop with Ernie Satchel @ AI&G
- Adjournment 12:45 pm